Moderator Bios

These are bios for the r/UFOs moderators. Mods are not required to provide bios as we aim to accommodate any desired level of anonymity amongst various members of the team. Our goal with this page is to provide some additional context to who we are and our interest in ufology. Entries are sorted by when moderators first joined the team.


JOINED: 7/19/2015

No moderator bio.


JOINED: 5/21/2020

No moderator bio.


JOINED: 6/2/2022

How did you first learn about UFOs?

UFO books in my elementary school library and selections from the scholastic order forms were my first introduction to UFOs as a kid, followed by paranormal TV shows such as ones on the History channel or Discovery.

What’s your relationship with the subject been like since then?

I’ve always been passionate about the scientific evidence for UFOs, especially cases with radar returns and/or multiple eye witnesses or multiple sensors such as video+radar. In 2017 I dove back into the subject as it became mainstream for the first time with the Nimitz Encounter NY times story and subsequent events since then. All of my posts and comments were blocked by the auto mod on r/UFOs and all attempts at modmail were ignored, with other people even being banned for politely asking why their posts were being similarly blocked without justification. So while unable to post to r/UFOs I found a home on r/ufo and on their discord until eventually being voted in by the r/UFOs community to be a mod here after the Vice news story and resulting mod purge. I still think that the best way to understand and study The Phenomenon will ultimately be through a scientific lens, but I try to remain open to woo-woo concepts and ideas given that the study of The Phenomenon might be far beyond our *current* science and our current understanding of reality, consciousness, physics etc.

What do you think best explains the most significant cases?

This is a very interesting question and the answer can vary greatly depending on what the most significant cases are defined as. It also largely depends on if we’re strictly trying to explain the UFOs themselves, or the entire overarching Phenomenon including abductions, high strangeness, animal mutilations, crop circles with woven braided and melted stalks and radiation and increased yields etc.Looking at the history of UFOs with books like Wonders in the Sky, they have always been seen through the cultural zeitgeist of the time, starting off as flaming shields or chariots, then later as angels or demons, then mystery airships, then visitors from the alleged canals on the moon, then little green men from mars, to more recently interstellar space ships, and now inter-dimensional spiritual beings. Just because AI von Neumann probes makes more sense to our current understanding and the present space race, it doesn’t inherently make it any more or less likely than the spirits explanation of the past, or than the likely “simulation hypothesis” framework that might become the leading theory in the near future. we have evidence pointing in one direction, all hypotheses should remain on the table and up for debate.

What are your general thoughts on the state of ufology these days?

It’s encouraging that the media has shifted their tone and are now taking the topic seriously. The government is also taking it seriously with public and classified hearings, so hopefully academia and the public will both follow this shift and we will all continue to press for answers and search for them. Pessimistically speaking, I’m not sure that governmental disclosure is even remotely possible. Because any secrets we have will be locked far away from congressional oversight behind USAPs and private companies which are both exempt from FOIA requests. But this doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t still try. If every American stopped paying taxes this year until we got straight answers about UFOs, we would reclaim our political power to know the answers they are spending our tax money to study, all while intentionally gaslighting the public and academia for decades. The government is taking your tax dollars and spending it on AATIP studies that were completely woo-woo such as Eric Davis concluding that humans can teleport animals through walls with only our minds. I don’t know what the heck that has to do with UFOs, but since AATIP and Bob Bigelow spent your tax money on it, you should be able to discuss it here. In this sense, the current political disclosure effort is fascinating because it may be competing interests and lobby groups fighting for control and information, and this fight is quite literally for the core of our democracy along the lines of Ike warning us about the dangers of the MIC in his farewell address (which may have even been about UFOs).

Who do you think are some of the most relevant voices in ufology?

If we are not allowed to criticize evidence, cases, personalities, and experiences then the community will be lead into blind belief and the only opinions allowed about controversial figures such as Greer or Lazar will be positive ones. This would be terrible for the subreddit and have even worse effects on the overall online community and the field of ufology. For this reason, BOTH sides of the conversation always need to be allowed on any issue or topic, and users should be respectful and civil even when they disagree. Regardless of our personal opinions we’re all on the same team because we all want to know the truth about UFOs. Some of the best Ufologists in my opinion include Jacques Vallee, Richard Dolan, Leslie Kean, James E. McDonald, Stanton Friedman. Donald Keyhoe is in a league of his own, as the father of all modern Ufology and as someone who risked it all to tell the truth in the face of tremendous opposition. Dr. Alan Hynek perfectly encapsulates Ufology because he started with Blue Book and his infamous debunking, which he repented and apologized for later in life saying that Blue Book was merely a PR effort to calm the public and that UFOs are very real. He is an academic professor/scientist that was involved in the official government coverup cover-story, and also had his opinion changed from a total skeptic to a completely believer based on the scientific evidence he investigated.

Have you read any books related to ufology? What are your favorites?

Revelations, DimensionsWonders in the Sky: Unexplained Aerial Objects from Antiquity to Modern Times UAPs and the Nuclear Puzzle: Visitations, National Security, and the Need for Transparency

Why are you interested in moderating?

I don’t particularly enjoy removing things but I do enjoy working with fellow moderators and members of the community to develop or change the sub rules. Approving posts and helping users in modmail messages are the most rewarding parts of being a mod, and while using the sub normally as a user it’s nice to be able to remove anything that’s very obviously too off topic or uncivil. I was elected in as mod by the community and I view myself as simply a random member of the community. I was one of the first people to take over after the Vice censorship and I see my role as preventing that sort of censorship from ever happening again.Unfortunately AI and CGI technology have arguably already made it nearly impossible for the average person to know what’s real or fake, and this problem will only continue to get progressively worse. So the absolute worst solution we could come up with be to have a small team of volunteers make subjective decisions behind closed doors and arbitrarily decide what 2 million people are allowed to share and talk about. “Moderation Is a Propaganda Word for Censorship” – Elon Musk


JOINED: 6/6/2021

No moderator bio.


Joined: 6/6/2021

How did you first learn about UFOs?

I watched the Unsolved Mysteries episode on the Cash-Landrum incident when I was ten years old and it permanently altered my sense of what might be out there in the universe. I had not encountered the phenomenon in a formal form before then.

What’s your relationship with the subject been like since then?

My interest became more studious when I first discovered Greer’s Disclosure Project and felt subsequently driven towards many different materials in 2003. I progressively digested an increasing number of books and videos until I started to feel like I was trapped in an intellectual vacuum regarding the subject in 2017. I then decided to take a stab at answering some of the most common questions on the subreddit while externalizing my findings, which became the basis for this wiki and largely led to me being accepted as a subreddit moderator. I’ve tried to find ways to collaborate with prominent figures and elevate discussion on the subject while continually diving deeper into the mystery. I have a deep interest in non-ordinary experiences in general and how they might best be integrated towards informing and evolving dominant perspectives. I’ve since helped create websites for ufologists and groups such as Jacques Vallee, Ryan Sprague of Somewhere In the Skies, the Youtube channel It’s Redacted, and Declassify UAP.

What do you think best explains the most significant cases?

I suspect the IDH (Interdimensional Hypothesis) best explains the most significant cases, but I don’t think it actually says much since the implications inherent to the most peculiar cases cast deep shadows over our consensus notions of dimensionality and the fundamental nature of being. I think the best forms of answers are parsed individually through rigorous analysis of experiencer accounts, however strange and contradictory at times.

What are your general thoughts on the state of ufology these days?

The subject has made remarkable strides towards becoming more legitimized and seriously considered by the general public in recent years. Although, for anyone who was already deeply nestled within the community, it probably looks or feels like a dumpster fire buried underneath a ton of noise at times. I’ve personally had to look away from the frontpage and firehose of information in order to focus on other aspects or to not be caught up in the phases of zeitgiest surrounding the latest claims or cases.

There is remarkable work being done in specific areas, but it seems to depend on where you’re engaging and what aspect of the phenomenon you’re engaging with. Darren King’s work is highly exceptional, but largely unknown, for example. I think if someone considers experiencer accounts valid enough to pursue studying them, they then enter a somewhat different realm or forums of discussion with different challenges and mysteries.

Who do you think are some of the most relevant voices in ufology?

Experiencers are the most relevant voices, as they represent ‘front-line’ of direct interactions with the phenomenon and NHI. Past them, I would consider whistleblowers such as David Grusch and Dan Sherman to be the most significant since their claims, if validated, have the most potential to move the subject and some form of disclosure forward.

In terms of researchers and public figures, I would consider Jacques Vallee, Richard Dolan, Darren King (ExoAcademian), John Greenewald, and Leslie Kean to be the best of those I’m familiar with.

Have you read any books related to ufology? What are your favorites?

I think Leslie Kean’s UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go On the Record (2010) is the best introduction to ufology from a journalistic perspective. I’ve also enjoyed many of Jacques Vallee and Richard Dolan’s books. I consider Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness & Contact with Non Human Intelligence (2018) the most exciting book in recent years, as it’s the results of the only significant, quantitative study of experiencers of the phenomenon to date.

Why are you interested in moderating?

I enjoy the opportunity and challenge of elevating conversations on ufology. The subreddit represents the largest container for this currently online and moderating has allowed me to grow a variety of design, technical, and other skills in a collaborative environment with equally crazy people.

Reddit Moderator teams act as their own form of sub-community for individuals who are passionate and devoted to learning about specific subjects. This team is no exception and I’m deeply thankful to have been able to get to know many of them personally, learn from them, and watch the community evolve.


JOINED: 9/13/2021

No moderator bio.


JOINED: 9/13/2021

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JOINED: 3/25/2022

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JOINED: 3/25/2022

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JOINED: 7/1/2022

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JOINED: 7/21/2022

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JOINED: 7/1/2022

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JOINED: 7/1/2022

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JOINED: 7/11/2022

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JOINED: 7/11/2022

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JOINED: 11/10/2022

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JOINED: 11/25/2022

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JOINED: 3/3/2023

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JOINED: 3/3/2023

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JOINED: 3/3/2023

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JOINED: 5/6/2023

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JOINED: 6/19/2023

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JOINED: 7/17/2023

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JOINED: 7/17/2023

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JOINED: 7/18/2023

No moderator bio.


JOINED: 7/19/2023

How did you first learn about UFOs?

I was a child when I first heard of UFOs. The thought of the unknown immediately fascinated me at a young age. Knowing how enthusiastic I am about the phenomena, my mom introduced me to some of my country’s few ufologists and their books (Farah Yurdözü, Haktan Akdoğan etc.) and I’ve been hooked ever since.


What’s your relationship with the subject been like since then?

Me being from Turkey hasn’t helped me much in terms of finding resources to consume about the subject but that quickly changed when I became fluent in English at the age of 10. After that, I was absolutely free to explore whatever I could get my hands on to satiate my need to know about the subject.

Although life went on, the subject of UFOs has always been a part of me. I’ve always found myself reading about the news, researching about the cases old & new, listening to what the UFO community has to say from all spectrums and thus the subject has become an inseparable part and hobby of mine.


What do you think best explains the most significant cases?

Honestly, I have no idea. Almost all of the cases reported could be explained by conventional thought processes but a sliver of them -to this day- still are waiting to be explained and it seems like everyone, including me lacks the much needed information to even “think” of any explanations. On another note, I’ve always romanticised the origin of the crafts to be extraterrestrial. David Grusch’s extra dimensional projection explanation also isn’t too unbelievable to me.


What are your general thoughts on the state of ufology these days?

Even though I tend to think of the phenomena in a more global manner, I can’t deny the gravity of the US politics and developments which directly dictate the state of ufology en masse. With that being said, I believe we’re living in an extraordinary era. The Pentagon videos, New York Times article, characters like Dr. Avi Loeb, Commander Fravor, David Grusch and the hearing of July 26th are developments that hold great positive significance.

I believe the state of ufology is going in a good direction although not without hardships as per the nature of the subject. A healthy mix of sceptics and believers of all paths of life is of utmost importance and the current state of ufology has no shortage of them.


Who do you think are some of the most relevant voices in ufology?

David Grusch, Dr. Avi Loeb, David Fravor, Jacques Vallée, Steven Greenstreet, Richard Dolan, Stanton T. Friedman, Farah Yurdözü, J. Allen Hynek, John E. Mack, George Knapp, Linda Moulton Howe


Have you read any books related to ufology? What are your favourites?

The percentage of the resources I have been subject to in book form is only a very small number and the ones I’ve read so far are Turkish ones from Farah Yurdözü.
I aim to change that once the books in my personal list clears so I can go through the books recommended in the sub;
UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go On the Record by Leslie Kean (2010)
Messengers of Deception by Jacques Vallée (1979)
The UFO Experience by J. Allen Hynek (1972)


Why are you interested in moderating?

I have a profound enthusiasm for the subject and for me, any effort in making the platform safe, open and welcoming to all ideas is substantial. In a way, I feel like I’m contributing to the full disclosure no matter how small my input is. I acknowledge the importance of having voices heard and ideas shared within any community so I am determined to ensure that to the best of my ability.


JOINED: 7/20/2023

No moderator bio.


JOINED: 7/20/2023

No moderator bio.


JOINED: 7/21/2023

How did you first learn about UFOs?

Back in the 2nd grade in 1982, I had to do a report on a subject we found in the library. The library had a book on UFOs. I believe it was the Time Life Hardcover. The subject has been a facination for me since.

What’s your relationship with the subject been like since then?

It’s been mostly a personal subject. Almost no one I knew growing up and into adulthood has had an interest in the subject. I honestly never knew it was a weird subject to be interested in and would talk about it like talking about a football game. Of course, looking back on my conversations, I can see the stigma that may have been attached to me. What’s weird is that my friends all love X-Files and such. To some extent, I think they believe but they were more cautious about expressing those beliefs than I did.

What do you think best explains the most significant cases?

I think there may be something to the events in religious texts, although it’s hard to think like people did back in those days. The Nuremberg mass sighting in the 1500’s was also an interesting event. I do not believe it was a sun dog like some think it was. Roswell, of course, was very important not only with witnesses, but with the way the military changed the narrative. The Lonnie Zamora incident seemed legit. And of course, the three videos released in 2017 of the Gimbal, Go Fast, and the third (can’t find the name now).

What are your general thoughts on the state of ufology these days?

The subject is definitely getting more traction with the U.S. government becoming more proactive in the investigation. However, I think a lot of the old regime of “ufology” may be posturing a little more than usual. Certain ones display a cheesy showmanships that ruins the credibilty of serious investigators.

Who do you think are some of the most relevant voices in ufology?

Christopher Mellon, Lue Elizondo, Ross Coulthart, Leslie Kean, Jacque Vallee, John Keel.

Have you read any books related to ufology? What are your favorites?

Most recently Operation Trojan Horse by John Keel.

Why are you interested in moderating?

I am very interested in the subject, like I have said. This sub is probably the biggest and most important one on Reddit, so to be a part of it during these interesting and important times would be very exciting for me.


JOINED: 7/21/2023

How did you first learn about UFOs?

I grew up immersed in UFO lore due to my dad’s involvement with MUFON and Ufology.

What’s your relationship with the subject been like since then?

Unbeknownst to me, I was more UFO-nerd lite till July of 2023 when I was brought on to mod r/ufos. I really thought I had a leg up on most with my knowledge of UFOs and popular cases. While answering mod application questions it became increasingly apparent that I was pretty uninformed. My relationship with the subject since then has been quite intimate, to say the least. In this role, I feel like I’m hovering right above the pulse of the UFO community. 

What do you think best explains the most significant cases?

The truly anomalous cases, which represent a small percentage of reported sightings, are a mystery to me. I remain open to various explanations, including those beyond extraterrestrial origins.

What are your general thoughts on the state of ufology these days?

Ufology is in a golden era, yet challenges remain in distinguishing credible reports amid sensationalism. I advocate for a pragmatic, evidence-based approach while remaining open to unconventional explanations.

Who do you think are some of the most relevant voices in ufology?

I try my best to hear all sides of a debate on a subject, so key voices in Ufology for me include both ‘believers’ and skeptics. Recognizing their influence without necessarily endorsing all their views, I find the most relevant voices to be: Jacques Vallée, J. Allen Hynek, Donald Keyhoe, George Knapp, Nick Pope, Ryan Graves, David Fravor, Luis Elizondo, Ross Coulthart, David Grusch, Dr. Avi Loeb, Mick West, Jeremey Corbell, Steven Greenstreet, etc.

Have you read any books related to ufology? What are your favorites?

The UFO Experience: Evidence Behind Close Encounters, Project Blue Book, and the Search for Answers by J. Allen Hynek (Author), Paul Hynek (Foreword)

UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record by Leslie Kean

Why are you interested in moderating?

I am incredibly passionate about this topic and want to stay on top of exciting developments as they happen. Being a moderator of r/ufos allows me to do this, while also having access to a team of individuals I’ve grown to have a great deal of respect for and actively seek out insight from. I enjoy this role a lot and hope we help promote elevated discourse about this phenomenon in such a way that it attracts individuals new to the topic and encourages them to join our push for full disclosure.


JOINED: 7/21/2023

No moderator bio.


JOINED: 7/21/2023

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JOINED: 7/23/2023

No moderator bio.


JOINED: 7/23/2023

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JOINED: 7/24/2023

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JOINED: 7/25/2023

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JOINED: 8/7/2023

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JOINED: 11/19/2023

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JOINED: 11/26/2023

No moderator bio.


JOINED: 11/28/2023

How did you first learn about UFOs?

I’m not 100% on when I first learned about them or became interested. I remember seeing the ISS as a kid with my nanny (that’s what I called my grandmother on my dads side) out at her cottage as a kid. It did a low fly by, for whatever reason, and it pretty much blew my mind. We would spend most nights looking up at the stars. Those are my earliest memories of anything space related. I think that’s where I was bitten by the ‘space is cool bug’.

What’s your relationship with the subject been like since then?

I’ve been casually following the subject since I was a kid. I’ve always been into science and anything sci-fi. I remember in grade 8 we had a debate class, and I talked about UFOs. I can’t remember what I talked about exactly, but I remember I got a solid grade on it.

My relationship with the subject of UFOs changed in the spring of 2020 when I had a sighting with two friends. We were just hanging out one night in a field having some beers just chatting in an open field. I heard what sounded like something cutting through the air above me, so I looked up and something flew over us. All I saw were two solid white lights about 3 inches apart at an arms length away. I yelled to my friends to look up, because they hadn’t heard it, and they both looked up and responded “wtf is that!?”. Within maybe 5 seconds it had disappeared over the horizon. We couldn’t figure out what it was. It wasn’t like anything we had experienced before. That is what brought me to the sub, actually!

The following spring I had another sighting. I was stargazing in my backyard and it was around 1am. I was looking south/south east just looking for satellites or anything interesting and I noticed a flash of light to the north in the corner of my eye. I turned and saw a white light rising in the sky doing this corkscrew motion as it gained elevation. It would illuminate for roughly 3 – 5 seconds and then go out and would reappear a bit higher, again with the corkscrew motion. I then noticed an orange light much lower in the sky that was in sync with the white light, matching the corkscrew motion, but it was ascending at a much quicker rate. With each cycle of them illuminating and going out, the orange light was closing the distance on the white light. After 3 or 4 cycles of this they both hit the same point in the sky and the lights went out. After roughly 5 to maybe 10 second one of the objects shot straight up and left a brief streak of white in the sky. It looked like a straight bolt of lightning. I didn’t see the object accelerate, it was just instantly at velocity. Then after another 5 – 10 seconds the other object shot 90 degrees to the left. Again, leaving this brief streak of white light in the sky. Again, perfectly straight light a straight bolt of lightning. No noise or anything like that. I have no idea what it is that I saw, but I am fascinated and would love to find some answers. It’s something I think about daily.

What do you think best explains the most significant cases?

Hard to say, I’m not sure there is a way to best explain. It could be a lot of things. Aliens from another planet or from another time/dimension, could be some type of secret government black budget technology, but I don’t see how that would explain sightings from 75+ years ago. I have no idea, honestly, but I’m interested in finding out!

What are your general thoughts on the state of ufology these days?

I think it’s a lot different from what it was 10 plus years ago. It feels like the more we learn, the more we don’t know. It feels like we are slowly making progress. I feel like the community is pretty divided right now.

Who do you think are some of the most relevant voices in ufology?

The loudest voices right now seem to be Corbell, Knapp, Ross.. I think the most relevant are possibly Vallee, Gary Nolan, and to a lesser extent people like Corbell, Knapp, Ross. I’m not an expert in this and haven’t consumed all of the literature out there, but I’m chipping away at it.

Have you read any books related to ufology? What are your favorites?

I have read Passport to Magonia and thought it was great. I recently finished American Cosmic by Diana Pasulka and thought it was really good, as well. I am currently reading The Three Body Problem by Liu Cixin and am really digging it. I’m aware it’s a work of fiction, but I hear it has something to do with the phenomenon. I really enjoyed Vallees style of writing, so I will probably read some more of him once I’m done with The Three Body Problem.

Have you watched any documentaries related to ufology? If so, which ones?

I try to watch whatever the big Docs are that come out. I have seen Leslie Keans latest stuff, The Phenomenon, Moment of Contact.. I watch most of them. Hard to keep track. I actually watched Monsters of California last night with my wife. It wasn’t as bad as I was expecting!

Why are you interested in moderating?

There was a call for more moderators on the sub, so I figured why not and I threw my hat into the ring! I also like the idea of helping/contributing somehow to the subject in whatever way I can. This is by far the biggest forum for discussing UFOs and it’s been a really positive experience so far. I’ve only been at it a few months so far. If anyone is reading this and has any questions for me, feel free to ask away! I enjoy talking to different people and hearing other peoples perspective on things.

Interesting Ifnotthefool facts: My username is a song by Charley Crockett. I am a huge Charley fan and that song was stuck in my head while I was making my profile. I also play the electric bass and love to ride bicycles.


JOINED: 11/28/2023

No moderator bio.


JOINED: 12/4/2023

How did you first learn about UFOs?

Manually looked for it

What’s your relationship with the subject been like since then?

On and off but always keen interest. I have had a sighting as well.

What do you think best explains the most significant cases?

False positives and classified technology make up the most cases. As for that remainder that are genuinely anomalous, I don’t feel the need to conclude, but rather I remain open minded to either reverse engineered craft or NHI. Some may even be lasers.

What are your general thoughts on the state of ufology these days?

As someone who’s followed it at an enthusiast level for at least 15 years I’ve observed patterns where UFO’s are “hot topic” and then there’s been periods of inactivity. In that time, the UFO community has had to deal with disappointment, hype, misinformation and all types of developments. For me personally, what excites me recently is our platform on the world stage as more “layman” masses are interested in UFO’s and I endevour to hold their hands and show them the cool aspects to UFOlogy. I’m more of a idealist I’ve written threads on this subreddit that took me over 8 hours to finish. I might only get a dozen upvotes and then I will do the same again next month. It’s a passion for me, I particularly like to show people aspects to UFOlogy that might be a little more overlooked or nuanced.

Who do you think are some of the most relevant voices in ufology?

No single person. I think situationally voices are important at different times. I particularly like website such as this where officials and respected government employees or heads of state and astronauts have their quotes. But to me, the redditor in a comment chain with 2 upvotes with a fresh take on the situation is as important to me as Ross.C. I think users like /u/phr99 are particuarly relevant. But if I understand your question correctly you’re maybe asking about popular UFOlogists or journalists. I don’t really follow anyone in particular, I think it’s important to have a diverse range of sources or journalists who I can follow. Ross.C is obviously very popular right now. I think I would have to ay Grusch as he seems to not have a “ufo agenda” and just seems to be boyscouting his way to try to expose corruption in the government around SAP’s and the morality of gatekeeping technology that could advance humanity and address climate issues. But that may chance, people in the UFO topic long enough have seen “ufo” personalities climb, and then fall from grace. Best to detach from specific people and deal in facts I say.

Have you read any books related to ufology? What are your favorites?

No, I am an original thinker. That sounds cool but actually it’s quite a hassle as it means I may spend years coming to the same conclusion as a book I could have easily read in a week. but it also has some perks as well. I am writer, I share my thoughts in as best a way as I can and I will do research but I don’t usually indulge in books. I will try to “get an idea” of what people are saying in the scene. Ideally through video media. I have read the declassified reports of things like rendlesham forest

Why are you interested in moderating?

This is opinionated. But I believe UFO’s is one of the dominant subreddits for UFOs right now, which I anticipate has had a influx of interest over the last year. With that comes the responsibility to take on the challenge of these new people and try to offer them value and empathy in their journey so that we can spread the ideals of UFO’s and UFOlogy to as many people as possible and ultimately inform the layman masses.


JOINED: 1/1/2024

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JOINED: 1/1/2024

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JOINED: 1/2/2024

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JOINED: 1/8/2024

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JOINED: 1/8/2024

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JOINED: 1/8/2024

How did you first learn about UFOs?

My curiosity was piqued while searching for fact-based UFO content online, leading me to various forums and subreddits dedicated to the subject.


What’s your relationship with the subject been like since then?

My engagement has deepened through reading, participating in discussions, and contributing to the community through podcasting and digital forensics.


What do you think best explains the most significant cases?

I’m inclined towards the “Nuts & Bolts” theory, suggesting physical evidence of Non-Human Intelligence interactions and governmental possession of extraterrestrial materials.


What are your general thoughts on the state of ufology these days?

We are in a pivotal era, with increased governmental transparency marking a significant time for ufology.


Who do you think are some of the most relevant voices in ufology?

Figures like Ross Coulthart, Jeremy Corbell, and George Knapp are among the most influential voices guiding my understanding of the subject.


Have you read any books related to ufology? What are your favourites?

Yes, I’ve read several, including the Millennial Hospitality series and “In Plain Sight” by Ross Coulthart, which are among my favorites.


Why are you interested in moderating?

I’m driven by a desire to be a productive member of the communities I’m part of, contributing through involvement and volunteering.



How did you first learn about UFOs?

I’ve had an interest since I was a kid, although I can’t pinpoint how that actually happened – probably from watching various documentaries on TV (likely The Discovery Channel or TLC up here in Canada – back when those channels aired that type of programming)

What’s your relationship with the subject been like since then?

I’ve followed the subject on-and off since the 90s, back when most info was on forums like AboveTopSecret and Geocities pages with twinkling star.gif background images and x_files.midi files playing in the background! I remember I even downloaded “UFO” compilation videos from P2P file-sharing platforms (Napster, Kazaa, Limewire, etc…) well before the days of YouTube. As time has passed, I’ve dipped in and out of the subject, checking in every so often to see what sort of new info may have trickled out into the public. Since early 2017, however, that interest has skyrocketed, and I’m now heavily following the subject. My durational review prior to 2017 has provided a great deal of context and exposure to broad-scoped UFO/UAP material which has served me well with the more recent stuff.

What do you think best explains the most significant cases?

I lean towards Jacques Vallée’s work here along with experiencer data; I think it’s either a multitude of things – potentially masquerading as a single source, or perhaps it is in fact a single source that simply manifests as a multitude of phenomenology – UFOs being one such branch of the tree of possibilities. As with many other researchers, I tend to agree that consciousness may play a big role here and shouldn’t be left out of the study of the overall phenomenon. We’re probably going to need a holistic approach to figuring it out, and that involves the nuts ‘n bolts side of things along with the high-strangeness / anomalous cognition and intuitive functioning side as well. My hope is to see the subject (including adjacent fields) professionalized and engaged with by academia more broadly at an international level.

What are your general thoughts on the state of ufology these days?

I’m overall pretty optimistic about the direction we’re heading. I’m encouraged by the gradual professionalization and elevation of the topic, and the seriousness with which it is taken at the institutional, academic and governmental level. More work needs to be done to encourage the mainstream media to cover the topic, but some progress is being made. We’re still trending upwards, which is good.

Who do you think are some of the most relevant voices in ufology?

I’d include folks like Jacques Vallée, John Mack, Leslie Kean, Stanton Friedman, Richard Dolan, Grant Cameron, George Knapp, James Fox, John Greenewald, Jeffrey Mishlove, Dean Radin, Daniel Sheehan, Nick Cook, and Steven Greer (despite some controversy, I think his early disclosure project efforts in particular merit mentioning here).

More recently, I would also include folks like Luis Elizondo, Chris Mellon, (TTSA/Invisible College Crowd), David Grusch, Jeremy Corbell, Ross Coulthart, Chris Sharp, Garry Nolan, Avi Loeb, Diana Pasulka, Ryan Graves, David Fravor, Sean Cahill, Jay King, and James Iandoli. I’m sure I could mention many others as well.

Have you read any books related to ufology? What are your favorites?

I’ve been pretty scattered with my consumption of UFO material over the years, often opting to read a specific chapter of a book as opposed to a cover-to-cover read, depending what I’m looking into at a given point in time. I’ve read passages from John Keel, Jacques Vallée, and Leslie Kean. Some from Ross Coulthart; some from the Sekret Machines books. It’s all over the place, and most of my knowledge is pieced together from a durational study of the topic from a wide body of sources including books, documentaries, interviews, news coverage, historical cases and others.

Why are you interested in moderating?

I spend a lot of time these days consuming long-form podcasts and interviews to stay informed on the latest UFO/UAP news and events. This also includes frequent browsing of the /r/ufos subreddit, and reading through the wide range of discussions that take place. I resonated with the need to have more help with moderation as the subreddit grows, and decided to volunteer to help keep things operating smoothly. As the topic becomes more mainstream, it is inevitable that more people will begin flocking to the subreddit to find information, and I’d like to help ensure that people new to the subject have a good experience.

My motivation is to see people get good, up-to-date, reliable and accurate information, and I think the subreddit can often be a place where this can occur. Thoughtful moderation is one such tool to facilitate this.


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